High-Quality Pasteurized Organic Compost in Madison County, KY/h1>
Our pasteurized compost is quite unique. It mainly consists of horse manure, chicken litter, peat moss, cotton seed hulls, cotton seed meal, wheat straw, gypsum, and a few other ingredients. We have the market share to our region to distribute this great compost. Our compost has a great track record for over 25 years, and the ingredients are very consistent. We distribute a consistent formulation year after year, that has high water and nutrient holding capacity, weed free pasteurization, no nitrogen drawdown problems, and no heavy metals.

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Our compost will enhance your soil with Nitrogen, Potash, and Potassium, while increasing organic matter. For the entire production of this compost, not once has it ever contained Aminopyralids or Clopyralids, which is a growing problem in the compost market. Our compost is safe and packs a punch for great success in your landscape or gardening projects. Our compost is the very best engineered soil on the market. Others do not compare.

Don’t make the mistake of buying compartment store bagged soils or compost. They are overpriced, and packaging can cause other problems in the soil such as, anaerobic bacteria. They are not trustworthy. Please, don’t just take our word for it, come and experience this great compost firsthand, along with our fast, friendly, service. You can pick up bulk compost, or have large amounts delivered to your home or commercial growing operation. Don’t miss out. We usually sellout every year in the middle of April. We then get our new material to age out in June through November to ensure the compost has aged properly. We encourage our customer base to purchase in the fall and age it yourself for the spring growing seasons. However, we sell to hundreds of customers mostly in the spring. March to May is our busiest time for distributing compost. So, come grow with us, call or stop by. Also, NEW FOR SPRING 2025 GROWING SEASON, WE ARE OFFERING A CERTIFIED ORGANIC COMPOST WITH ALL THE SAME INGREDIENTS. This is a Limited Supply Only.

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